Manage Workspace Members and Roles

Manage the members in your Workspace.

Role Descriptions

Owner Role

  • Edit billing information.

  • Upgrade or downgrade the MindStudio plan.

  • Invite other Workspace users.

  • Assign Workspace users to the Owner, Admin, or Member roles.

Admin Role

  • Invite other Workspace users.

  • Assign Workspace users to the Admin or Member roles.

  • Invite other Workspace users.

Member Role

  • Build and publish AIs.

Invite New Workspace Members

  1. View Workspace settings. See Role Descriptions for more information.

  2. Select the Members tab.

  1. Select the Invite New Member button.

  2. Enter the email address to which to send the invitation.

  3. Select which role to assign the new Workspace member. Note that the invitee must accept the invitation and verify the email address if that person does not already have a MindStudio account with that email address.

    • Member (default option)

    • Admin

    • Owner

  4. Select the Resend Invite button to send an additional verification email if the invitee did not receive the email the first time.

  5. Optionally, revoke the invitation by selecting the Delete Invite icon beside that invitation.

Assign a Role to a Member

Role restrictions prevent all members from assigning to any role. See Role Descriptions for more information.

  1. Click the Members tab.

  2. Click the drop-down menu beside the member to assign a role.

    • Member (default option)

    • Admin

    • Owner

Last updated