Select the AI Model in a Profile

Select the AI model in a profile to include in benchmark testing.


When adding a profile to the Profiler, by default that profile uses the underlying AI model for that AI. Select another AI model to that profile. Select another AI model in any displayed profile anytime an active benchmarking test is not running.

Select the AI Model in a Profile

  1. Add a profile or select the currently profiled AI model in a pane.

  2. Change any of these settings:

    • From the Model drop-down menu, select which AI model to profile. See the types of AI models.

    • From the Temperature drop-down menu, enter the temperature in which to set the AI model. See the Temperature overview for more information.

    • From the Max Response Tokens drop-down menu, enter the max number of tokens. See the Max Response Tokens overview for more information.

  3. Select the Done button.

Best Practice

Use the same temperature and max response tokens for each AI model in the benchmark test. Using different settings does not benchmarking using the same metrics and affects the test results.

Last updated