Telegram Instant Messaging: Custom Function

Build a MindStudio AI that generates and sends announcements and messages to your public Telegram group.

What is Telegram?

Telegram provides cloud-based end-to-end messaging services.

What Can I Do With MindStudio and Telegram?

Build a MindStudio AI that generates and sends announcements and messages to your public Telegram group.

What is Required for This Custom Function?

Get Telegram Settings for This Custom Function

Create a Telegram Bot

  1. Log in to Telegram.

  2. Locate the BotFather.

  3. Enter /start

  4. From the Telegram menu, select /newbot

  5. Follow instructions to set a name and username for your bot.

  6. Copy the API key that your bot generates.

  7. Store the API key for the Telegram Bot API Key setting in MindStudio’s Telegram Instant Messaging Custom Function.

Create a Telegram Group

  1. Select the Telegram group.

  2. Select the Edit icon that looks like a pencil.

  3. Select the Group Type setting.

  4. Select the Public Group setting.

  5. Set a link for this group.

  6. Store the group name link.

Invite Your Telegram Bot into Your Public Group

  1. Go back two pages to view the members of the Telegram group.

  2. Invite your Telegram bot into the group.

Copy the name of the Telegram group’s URL

  1. Copy from the @ symbol to the end of the URL.

  2. Note this URL segment for the Telegram Channel setting in MindStudio’s Telegram Instant Messaging Custom Function.


Telegram Bot API Key

Enter your Telegram bot API key.

Telegram Channel

Enter the name of the public Telegram group channel to which to send the MindStudio message.


Enter the message to send to the Telegram group. Optionally, reference a Variable that stores that message in a User Input provided by the user. Example:


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