Set Share Settings

Configure how other AI Developers can view or copy your AI.


The Sharing settings of an app configure the access users have to using an application.

Note that the Share settings are disabled for Free tier users.

Public Access

If public access is enabled, anyone with the link is able to use your AI. Note that the Workspace that owns the app is charged for all usage incurred.

By default, this setting is disabled and only allows members of your organization to access the published AI.

Enable Public Access

  1. Select the Root file inside the Explorer tab. The Settings page displays.

  2. Under the Access section, select Sharing.

  3. Set the toggle to Enabled.


Remixing allows users of your app to make a copy and build their own. Remixing is allowed by default.

Enable Remixing

  1. Select the Root file inside the Explorer tab. The Settings page displays.

  2. Under the Access section, select Sharing.

  3. From the Remixing setting, set the toggle to Allowed. Note that Allowed is selected by default.

Password Protect

Restrict use of an AI app by creating a password.

Enable Password Protect

  1. Select the Root file inside the Explorer tab. The Settings page displays.

  2. Under the Access section, select Sharing.

  3. From the Password Protect setting, set the toggle to Enabled.

  4. Enter your password.

  5. Select the Save button.

Last updated