AI App Style Guide

Learn how to make your AI Apps stand out on the YouAi marketplace and when sharing the link anywhere.


This guide contains guidance and best practices that can help you design a great AI Details Page, graphics, and icons for any AI built using MindStudio.

NOTE: This guide highlights best practices for the YouAi marketplace - if you are embedding your AI app elsewhere, some of these suggestions may not apply.

Branding your AI App

Your AI apps should express their brand in ways that make them feel instantly recognizable while giving your users a consistent experience.

Quick Guidelines

✅ Your AI App branding should:

  • Be based on its purpose or utility.

  • Be clear and easy to identify.

  • Have a consistent voice

  • Include language that feels familiar to the people using it

  • Be simple and easy to follow

🚫 Your AI App branding should NOT:

  • Promise features that don't exist

  • Rely on "clickbait" language in order to attract new users


The words you choose to describe your AI app are vital to your user experience. When creating an AI app you have direct control over the AI App Name, Tagline, and Description.

AI App Name

The AI App Name plays a critical role in how users discover it. Be sure to choose a simple, memorable name that is easy to spell and speaks to what your app does. Avoid names that use generic terms or are too similar to an existing app.

  • Max Length: 32 characters or less


Your tagline is intended to summarize your AI app in a concise phrase. In the tagline, you should try to clearly explain the value of your AI app in detail, describe what the AI app does for the user, or highlight features and use cases for your app. Avoid using generic taglines like "Best AI For You".

Your Tagline appears below your AI App Name in the YouAi marketplace and on any Share Card when sharing the link to the app across the internet.

  • Max length: 60 characters or less


Your description appears on your AI App Details page. The ideal description highlights the key features and functionality of your app. The description can be as long as you'd like, and its encouraged to write a few paragraphs in order to properly fill out the page.

Your description should be written in the tone fo your brand and should use terminology that your audience will understand.

Your description is written using a text editor that allows you to:

  • Select headings (H1, H2, H3, H4, Paragraph)

  • Created bulleted lists

  • Add images

  • Include external links

Tips for writing your Description:

✅ Highlight key talking points of the AI App?

✅ Describe the problem that your AI App Solves

✅ Describe the output. What do you get when you use it?

✅ Describe how to use it. How does it work?

✅ Describe any key benefits. What other benefits will you get from using it?

✅ Utilize Header sections to separate ideas.

🚫 DO NOT use unnecessary keywords in an attempt to solve search results.

🚫 DO NOT include specific pricing in your description – pricing is shown on the page and your description may not be accurate.

🚫 DO NOT promise features that don't exist.

Images & Video

Use images and video to demonstrate the features and functionality of your AI app. Images and video are for all audiences, so they must be appropriate for people of all ages.

Share Card (Open Graph)

Share Card Size: 1200x630 pixels.

Your Share Card is on of the first things that any user will see before using your app for the first time, so its vital that it makes a strong first impression that communicates your app's quality and purpose.


Icon Upload Size: 512x512 pixels

When someone chats with your AI, your icon is the AI's profile picture. Your icon is the primary image a user will see when interacting with your AI app. Avoid unnecessary details to be sure that the icon is legible in all sizes.

Icon Tips:

✅ Use a solid color background or simple gradient

✅ Use a single recognizable image in the center of your icon. This will ensure that it is legible at sizes as small as 48x48px.

🚫 Avoid using a white background (#ffffff)

Gallery Image Size: 1200x630

You may display up to 10 images in your AI details page to demonstrate your AI App's features, functionality, and use cases. Be sure to use your AI App's UI to visually communicate the experience for new users.

✅ Create an image that shows some examples of AI responses

✅ Create an image that show some use cases

✅ Create an image that highlights key benefits to using your AI App

🚫 Do not use the Open Graph image as part of your Image Gallery

Preview Video

Video Aspect Ratio: 9:16 (landscape)

Video Recommended Size: 1920x1080 pixels

Video Recommended Length: less than 2 minutes

Similar to and image in your image gallery, your preview video should demonstrate your AI App's features, functionality, use cases, and key benefits.

AI App previews do not autoplay with muted audio when users preview your App Details Page. Make sure that the first few seconds of your video are visually compelling.

Example #1: Chat Response Message Crafter


Open Graph Image


🚫 Image is unclear 🚫 Image does not visually communicate the AI Apps functionality 🚫 Image does not catch the eye

AI App Name


✅ Name somewhat describes app functionality 🚫 Name is too general and vague 🚫 Name is too long



🚫 Tagline is too general and vague


AI App Icon


🚫 Image is not clearly legible in smaller formats 🚫 Image does not visually communicate the AI Apps functionality

AI Description


🚫 Description does not highlight use cases or key benefits

🚫 Description does not clearly describe how it works.

🚫 Description is vague. 🚫 Description is too short.

Image Gallery


🚫 No images uploaded

Preview Video


🚫 No preview video uploaded

Example #2: CleverContent AI


Open Graph Image


✅ Image is clear, simple, and easy to understand ✅ Image relates to functionality of AI App 🚫 Image uses too much text 🚫 Subtitle on image is hard to read

AI App Name


✅ Name somewhat describes app functionality ✅ Name is unique, easy to spell, and easily recognizable



✅ Tagline is describes app functionality ✅ Tagline is not too long


AI App Icon


✅ Image is clearly legible in smaller formats ✅ Image visually communicates the AI Apps functionality

AI Description


✅ Description highlights use cases or key benefits

✅ Description clearly describes how it works.

Image Gallery


✅ Images visually communicates app functionality ✅ Images visually communicate key benefits

Preview Video


✅ Preview video shows how it AI App works


Every element of your AI App Store has the power to drive downloads of your app. Use these written and visual elements to help customers discover your app and engage them through thoughtfully crafted content on your AI Details page.

Last updated