Error Codes

MindStudio Error Codes and what they mean.


Failed to fetch checkout session URL. Please try again.

Appears when Stripe does not return a checkout URL when initiating payment for subscription.


Appears when there is a card error during Stripe checkout. This error is provided by Stripe directly.

Invalid user ID. Unable to load user profile.

Error when loading a user profile.

This account has been banned.

Appears when a trying to load a user account that has been banned.

Please enter a valid email address.

Appears during signup or changing email.

Please enter a valid password.

Appears during signup or changing password.

An account with this email address already exists.

Appears while attempting to create a new account with an email that has already been used.

An account with this email address already exists. Use {signup_provider} to log back in.

Error during signup if a user tries to login via email, and that email was used for a Google or Apple login.

Username must be between 2 and 30 characters.

Error when attempting to change a username.

Username already exists.

Error during sign up or when attempting to change a username.

Password can not be changed. This account was created using Google or Apple sign in.

Appears when trying to change the password but the account was not created via email signup.

Unable to reset password. Please try again.

Invalid token when trying to reset a password (could happen if the reset url was copied incorrectly).

Outdated request. Try to reset the password again.

Error when resetting the password but the token expired.

Email verification failed. Missing verification token.

Error when verifying an email.

Outdated request. Try to resend the verification email.

Error when verifying an email but the token expired.

The email is already verified.

Error when email has already been verified.

API key or app ID is invalid. Please check your embed configuration.

Appears when an invalid api key or app id set in the embed code.

The domain ${domain.toLowerCase()} is not authorized to embed this app.

Appears when domain has not been authorized for the embed.

Unable to save draft. Please reload and try again.

Appears when saving a draft.

LLM Error: {error}

Error from an LLM. Message is provided by the LLM provider via an external api.

Application can not be found.

Appears when the app ID is non-existent or the application was deleted.

You are out of usage credits. Contact your workspace owner to restore service.

Appears when user is out of credits.

{model}: Invalid temperature

Appears when the model temperature is invalid.

{model}: Invalid response size

Appears when the model repsonse size is invalid.

{model}: There was an error processing your message

Appears when an LLM response fails.

{model}: {message}

This message is sent by the model provider via an external api.

{model}: Prompt is too large: ${promptTokenCount} / ${MODEL_MAX_TOKENS} tokens

Appears when the message exceeds the max token size.

{model}: Empty response

Happens when there is an empty response from an LLM.

Your Data Source is too large. Data Sources can not exceed 500k words.

Appears when attempting to upload a data source that exceeds the file size.

Error while querying data source. Please try again.

Appears when an LLMs data query fails.

Error while scraping provided URL. Please try again.

Appears when URL is invalid or URL is not able to scraped.

Last updated