Add a Profile to the Profiler

Add a profile to the Profile to include in benchmark testing.


By default, the Profiler displays two profiles to benchmark. Each is the underlying AI model for that AI. Add a new profile to the Profiler to benchmark it with other selected AI models in the Profiler using the identical Prompt.

Add a New Profile to the Profiler

  1. Select the New Profile button at the bottom-left of the leftmost pane.

A new pane displays to the right of the current profiles in the Profiler using the underlying AI model to profile by default. Select another AI model for that profile if necessary.

Remove a Profile

  1. View the Profiler.

  2. Select the Close icon (x) for the profile to remove it from the Profiler.

By removing a profile from the Profiler, the AI model configured for that profile no longer is available in benchmark testing.

Last updated