Zapier Webhook: Custom Function

Build a MindStudio AI that automatically submits an email provided by the app user to your MailChimp subscriber list.

What is Zapier?

Zapier is a cloud-based platform that connects various apps and services to enable users to automate tasks.

What Can I Do With MindStudio and Zapier?

Build a MindStudio AI that automatically submits an email provided by the app user to your MailChimp subscriber list.

What is Required for This Custom Function?

Get Webhook URL for Zap

  1. Select the ellipsis icon, and then select the Create a new Zap option.

  2. Select the 1. Trigger step that triggers your Zap.

  3. Select the Webhooks by Zapier option.

  4. From the Event drop-down menu, select the Catch Hook option.

  5. Select the Continue button.

  6. Do not select a Child Key. Click the Continue button.

  7. From the Your webhook URL setting, select the Copy button. Note this URL for the Zapier Webhook URL setting in MindStudio’s Zapier Webhook Custom Function.

  8. Finish configuring the Zap with the action to perform when the webhook triggers. For example, configure the Zap’s action to connect to your MailChimp account and then add a subscriber.

  9. Test the Zap to ensure the Zap’s webhook receives the MindStudio AI’s data.

  10. Publish the Zap.


Zapier Webhook URL

Enter the URL for your Zap’s webhook.


Enter the text to send to the Zap webhook. Optionally, reference a Variable that stores the text. Example:


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