How Do Users Experience an AI Application Built in MindStudio?

Get an overview how a user experiences an AI app.

MindStudio provides an editor where Workspace members build an AI application, called an AI. Workspace members:

  1. Make digital forms, called User Inputs, from which to ask the user for information.

  2. Build the Automation Workflow, where building Blocks for the AI are placed onto a canvas and connected together. The Automation Workflow shows the order of tasks the AI model(s) is to perform.

  3. In the Automation Workflow, add custom Functions to connect with third-party services. Custom Functions automate sending and receiving information. Connect with popular platforms like Google, Slack, Zapier, and more.

  4. Select the AI model(s) to perform the tasks in the Automation Workflow.

  5. Add documents, called Data Sources, to the AI to inform the AI model(s) how to do their tasks and respond. Data Sources may be Word documents, Excel spreadsheets, PDFs, Comma-Separated Values (CSVs), text files, or HTML files.

  6. Preview the AI to ensure it functions as expected.

  7. Publish the AI via a shareable URL, embedded into a website, or run via the MindStudio API.

End users experience the app on desktop, mobile devices, or on the embedded website. No additional software is required to run AI apps.

Last updated