Generate a Prompt with AI

Let AI generate the Prompt for your AI.


The Prompt Generator Engine, built into MindStudio, uses AI to create a custom Prompt for your AI app. Even if you have experience writing AI Prompts, the Prompt Generator Engine saves you time by writing your first draft.

Use AI to Generate the Prompt

Ensure you have created a MindStudio account or accepted an invitation into another’s MindStudio Workspace.

  1. Select the New AI button.

  1. Select the Generate Prompt option, and then select the Next button.

  1. In the space provided, enter a natural language description of how you want your AI app to work. Follow these guidelines:

    • Write in concise, clear statements.

    • Describe the actors in your AI app. The AI model is one actor. Your app user is another.

    • Optionally, write using lists.

      • Unordered list: Use an unordered list to describe separate tasks your app is to do.

      • Ordered list: Use an ordered list to describe tasks that the app is to do in a specific order.

  2. Click the Generate button after writing how your app works. This button is not enabled until text is entered into the Prompt Generator Engine.

  3. Review the generated Prompt. Ensure all bullet points make sense within the context of your use case.


Text in Paragraph Format

Create an app that asks the user for a topic to write a blog post about. Then, ask for the URLs of two existing blog posts to be used to copy their writing style. Lastly, generate a blog post about the provided topic and show it to the user.

Text in an Ordered List

Create an app that does the following:

  1. Ask the user for a topic to write a blog post about.

  2. Ask for the URLs for two existing blog posts to be used to copy their writing style.

  3. Generate a blog post about the provided topic and show it to the user.

Contribute to the Prompt Generator Engine

The Prompt Generator Engine is an open-source project.

If you would like to contribute to this project by creating your own Prompt generation engine, click the GitHub link.

Last updated