Arrange the Blocks in Your Automation Workflow

Arrange the Blocks in Your Automation Workflow.

Align the Automation Workflow Vertically in the Automation Canvas

Select the Alignment icon in the bottom Automation Canvas toolbar. The Blocks align in a straight, downward line.

Arrange Selected Blocks Vertically

  1. Select multiple Automation Blocks to arrange vertically.

  2. Hover over the Arrange icon. Icons to arrange Blocks display above it.

  3. Select the Arrangement: Vertical icon. The selected Blocks are arranged evenly spaced vertically.

Arrange Selected Blocks Horizontally

  1. Select multiple Automation Blocks to arrange horizontally.

  2. Hover over the Arrange icon. Icons to arrange Blocks display above it.

  3. Select the Arrangement: Horizontal icon. The selected Blocks are arranged evenly spaced horizontally.

Arrange Selected Blocks in a Snake Pattern

  1. Select multiple Automation Blocks to arrange in a snake pattern. This pattern displays best when many Blocks are in the Automation Workflow and all are selected. The snake pattern arranges the Automation Workflow:

    • left to right horizontally and evenly in the Automation Canvas;

    • down one Block;

    • right to left horizontally and evenly in the Automation Canvas;

    • down one Block until the last Block in the Automation Workflow.

  2. Hover over the Arrange icon. Icons to arrange Blocks display above it.

  3. Select the Arrangement: Snake icon. The selected Blocks are arranged in a snake pattern.

Arrange Selected Blocks in a Circle Pattern

  1. Select multiple Automation Blocks to arrange in a circle pattern. This pattern displays best when many Blocks are in the Automation Workflow and all are selected.

  2. Hover over the Arrange icon. Icons to arrange Blocks display above it.

  3. Select the Arrangement: Circle icon. The selected Blocks are arranged in a circle pattern.

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