Terminator Block Settings

Configure these settings for the Terminator Block.

Start Chat Session with App User

  1. From the Behavior drop-down menu, select the Chat option.

  2. Optionally, in the System Introduction setting in the Chat Settings section, enter the message to send the app user to start the chat session.

  3. From the Strategy setting in the Message Processing section:

    1. Select the No Processing option to not process the chat session. This is the default option.

    2. Select the Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) option to allow the AI model to access a Data Source to provide more up-to-date and specific information in their responses. See Use Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG).

Allow Files in a Data Source Be Made Viewable to the App User

  1. From the Behavior drop-down menu, select the Data Source Explorer option.

  2. Optionally, in the System Introduction setting in the Chat Settings section, enter the message to send the app user that the PDF(s) from a Data Source is available.

  3. From the Strategy setting in the Message Processing section:

    1. Select the No Processing option to not process the chat session. This is the default option.

    2. Select the Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) option to allow the AI model to access a Data Source to provide more up-to-date and specific information in their responses. See Use Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG).

End the App Session

  1. From the Behavior drop-down menu, select the End Session option.

  2. Optionally, in the System Introduction setting in the Chat Settings section, enter the message to send the app user that the session has ended.

  3. From the Strategy setting in the Message Processing section:

    1. Select the No Processing option to not process the chat session. This is the default option.

    2. Select the Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) option to allow the AI model to access a Data Source to provide more up-to-date and specific information in their responses. See Use Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG).

Use Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG)

Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) allows the AI model to access a Data Source to provide more relevant and specific information in its responses.

  1. From the Data Source setting, select which Data Source the AI model accesses during the chat session. If necessary, select the New button to create a new Data Source.

  2. In the Max Results setting, enter the maximum number of results to save from the Data Source query. The maximum number of results is 5. The default is 1.

  3. In the Template setting, enter the message to send the AI model to provide it with the results from the Data Source query. The default message can be used as it is. You can customize it with different Variables to reference. Reference Variables by using double curly braces around the Variable name. When the message is sent to the AI model, the contents stored by the Variable replace the Variable reference.

    Example: {{VariableName}}

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