Twilio - Send SMS: Custom Function

Build a MindStudio AI that automatically sends text messages that AI creates for you.

What is Twilio?

Twilio is a cloud-based platform that provides programmable communication tools using its web service APIs.

What Can I Do With MindStudio and Twilio?

Build a MindStudio AI that automatically sends text messages that AI creates for you. Ask the app user:

  • what to text to the target audience, such as a marketing promotion

  • marketing style of the text message

  • a link to learn more information about the promoted product or service

  • the number for who sent the text message

  • the recipient’s number to receive the text message

What is Required for This Custom Function?

Get Twilio Settings for This Custom Function

Get Twilio Account SID

  1. Navigate to your Twilio account.

  2. Select the Account drop-down menu, and then select the General settings option.

  3. In the Verification code required for access pop-up, enter the security code Twilio sends you to verify access to your account, and then select the Verify button.

  4. Locate the Account SID setting. Note the SID for the Twilio Account SID setting in MindStudio’s Twilio - Send SMS Custom Function.

Get Twilio Auth Token

  1. Return to the General settings option in your Twilio account.

  2. Select the API keys & tokens link below the Twilio Account SID setting.

  3. Locate the Live credentials section.

  4. From the Auth token setting, copy the auth token. Note the auth token for the Twilio Auth Token setting in MindStudio’s Twilio - Send SMS Custom Function.


Twilio Account SID

Enter the SID for your Twilio account.

Twilio Auth Token

Enter the text to send to the Discord channel. Optionally, reference a Variable that stores the text. Example:


SMS Text

Enter the text for the text message. Optionally, reference a Variable that stores the text. Example:


FROM Number

Enter the sender’s number sending the text message. Optionally, reference a Variable that stores the sender’s number. Example:


TO Number

Enter the recipient’s number to receive the text message. Optionally, reference a Variable that stores the recipient’s number. Example:


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