Types of Automation Blocks

Learn about the types of Automation Blocks.


An Automation Block, also referred to as a Block, is a task within an Automation Workflow. Each Block is an automated action in an AI. Build how your app runs by placing Blocks into your Automation Workflow in the order you want these actions to occur.

Types of Blocks

Start Block

The Start Block starts an Automation Workflow. Every Automation Workflow includes a Start Block that cannot be deleted. The Start Block has no settings.

Generate Text Block

The Generate Text Block sends a message prompt to the AI and returns the AI's response. Responses can be saved and assigned to a Variable

See Generate Text Block Settings.

Generate Image Block

The Generate Image block generates an image based on a provided prompt. The prompt to generate an image can include the use of variables from other inputs in your Automation workflow.

See Generate Image Block Settings.

Text to Speech Block

The Text to Speech block takes text and converts that text into a downloadable mp3 file.

See Text to Speech Block Settings.

Analyze Image Block

The Image Analysis block uses vision based models to analyze information about uploaded images.

See Image Analysis Block Settings.

Display Text Block

The Display Text block will display text to the user exactly as it is written in the configuration. The text can include the use of variables from other inputs in your Automation Workflow.

See Display Text Block Settings.

User Input Block

The User Input Block collects data from your app users. A User Input Block uses a User Input to request that data from app users. When data is collected by a User Input, that data is stored in a Variable that can be referenced elsewhere in an Automation Workflow.

See User Input Block Settings.

Query Data Block

The Query Data Block explicitly queries a selected Data Source for up to 5 results. The query results are assigned to a Variable.

Use the Query Template to enter the Data Source query. Optionally reference Variables in the Data Source query by using double curly braces around the Variable name.



See Data Source Query Block Settings.

Run Function Block

The Run Function Block runs a pre-built Custom Function to automate interactions with third-party applications and services. Each Custom Function must be configured individually.

See Run Function Block Settings.

Terminator Block

The Terminator Block ends the Automation Workflow with four separate functions:

  • Start a chat session with the app user.

  • Allow the app user to revise a document generated by the AI. In doing so, the user may select text and request assistance in revising it.

  • Allow the file(s) from a selected Data Source be viewable to the app user.

  • End the session.

For each of these functions, Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) is optional. RAG allows the AI model to access a Data Source to provide more relevant and specific information in its responses.

See Terminator Block Settings.

The Menu Block branches the Automation Workflow based on the app user’s menu selection.

See Menu Block Settings.

Logic Block

The Logic Block dynamically chooses the next Block in the Automation Workflow based on condition(s) the Logic Block evaluates.

See Logic Block Settings.

Jump Block

The Jump Block jumps from one Workflow to another Workflow in the same AI.

See Jump Block Settings.

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